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Ravioli Cheese Pasta

Ravioli pasta from scratch because I was craving & I had cottage cheese(paneer) lying in the fridge unused.

Ingredients $ Procedure

Step 1 : Take dough ingredients & mix:

The only tricky part is mixing the dough : don’t add water, just mix the flour with the beaten egg and it will be very sticky and you’d feel as if it wouldn’t become smooth but it will- you’ve to be patient while kneading the dough- you’ve to sprinkle little flour on the dough and keep doing that- so keep 2 spoons of flour aside from the measured ingredients to sprinkle and make your dough shape perfect- it was messy process, couldn’t capture that as my hands were busy making the beautiful dough. .

Step 2: making the filling- I made a basic filling by stir frying garlic, pepper corns crushed, oregano, paneer, bell peppers diced, salt and towards the end added shredded cheese. .

Step 3: making thin sheets and cutting round/square whichever shape you like raviolis - I could have made smaller raviolis too, smaller ones would have looked cuter 🌸

Step4 : locking the ravioli pockets- apply water on the edges and then use a fork to seal the edges. .

Step5 : Boiling the ravioli pasta : boil it in hot boiling water and add some salt to the water as well- boil for good 10-15 minutes until your raviolis start swimming to the top of your boiling pan- make sure you boil them properly like you boil any other pasta 🌸

For making the red pepper pesto, I did a quick version of roasted pesto- just stir fried the veggies in olive oil and grinded it and then re-cooked the grinded mixture🌸 check my red sauce spaghetti recipe down on the page for detailed version 💯


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